Monday, March 4, 2013

The Snow Lamb

Well,’s been quite awhile since I last blogged. Years actually. Funny how when you leave something for awhile it gets harder and harder to jump back in. 

Since my last blog entry I’ve moved across Canada from Nova Scotia to British Columbia and, for about a year and a half now, I’ve been taking classes online toward a Master of Fine Art in Illustration. In a class last semester I began working on the pictures for a book that I wrote. Right now the story is called “The Snow Lamb” and I may or may not keep that title. I developed a few illustrations from the middle of the story and I’ll work on more of them to be part of my midpoint review portfolio this Spring. I’m doing a lot of experimenting right now so I’m not sure how I’ll rework these illustrations for my final project. One of the most exciting things about illustrating my own stories was how much the text automatically changed for me once I started working with the pictures.

I’ve used watercolour and ink on Strathmore multi-media paper. The roughs were done in a mixture of ink and watercolour as well. I was having a hard time working out my ideas with just pencil. Using watercolour and ink in blacks and browns helped me visualize the direction that I wanted to go.